If you have ever thought that you would like to pay your GE credit card from home then you will be glad to know that that option is now available to you. Using the GE credit card payment online service you can easily pay your GE Money store credit card. Before you can make your first payment you need to register at the website This site will allow you access to your credit card account anytime you need it and anywhere you are.
Make a GE Credit Card Payment Online
In order to register you need to provide certain types of personal information. If the registration form is not complete then you will not be granted permission to make your payments via the Internet. These are the items you require for proper processing of your online account:
• Your date of birth (DOB)
• Your home telephone number
• Your 16 digit credit card account number
• The last 4 digits of your Social Security Number (SSN)
Once the registration process has gone through and your access has been approved you can make a GE credit card payment online whenever you need to. But it does not end there.
- You can also check your current balance and you can review all of your recent purchases and transaction history.
- You can also look to eBill and sign up to receive paperless statements via the web.
- Using the online service you can make either single payments, automatic payments or multiple payments.
- To make a single payment visit the Payments menu at the GE website and choose a biller and make the payment on one individual bill.
- The transaction will register immediately at the website but it may in actuality take a few days to go through.
- Automatic payments are when monthly payments are set by the system to be paid on the same due date every month.
- Find the “Monthly Auto-Pay” section in order to set this up properly. When you chose this multiple payment option your bill will be paid from your checking account or your savings account on the exact same day of the month, for as many months as you set it up for.
Multiple payments are an excellent choice if you do not want to have to worry about the potential for late fees and/or hefty fines. You can use the GE credit card payment online service to set up payment schedules. Do this for up to a maximum of six bills in a simultaneous manner. Find the “set-up multiple payments” area on the GE website to do this and start making your bill paying a whole lot easier and less stressful!