An American Express credit card is an excellent credit card to have on hand for everything from booking flights to a much needed clothing shopping spree to buying gifts for loved ones. When it comes time to pay your credit card bill if you decide to pay your Amex card bill online it is simple and convenient way to do so. It takes a little bit of time to set up an online account but once it is ready for use it will be a breeze to use time and time again. The online system is very efficient and makes bill paying one of the simplest thing you need to do in your busy day!
Steps to pay your AMEX card Bill online
Here we outline the steps to take in order to register to use the American Express online service.
- To start, go to the website
- Once there look for the area where you need to enter your user ID and a password.
- This area should be on the left hand side of the computer screen.
- If this is your first time using the online system then you need to create an account for yourself.
- Above the login box at the site you will see an area that reads “create an account.” Go ahead and do so before you can continue.
- In order to register a new account you will have to provide certain personal details for the process to be complete.
- You will be required to provide your credit card number, your contact information and your four-digit pin, as well as your bank address.
- Once you have created your account at the American Express credit card payment online facility you can login with your ID as well as your chosen password.
- Once you do this a new window will pop up in front of you on the screen. Look through the options available to you and choose “check and pay bill.”
- Five choices will then be available to you.
- These choices include statement balance, recent payments, recent activity, outstanding balance and payment due.
- It is “payment due” that you require when it is time for a payment to be made on your account so click on that option.
- From there you will choose the “pay bill” button at the American Express credit card payment online system.
- You will then be required to type in pertinent information that is needed to make a payment online.
- You need to type in how much you wish to pay, the due date of the payment and your bank information (such as the name of your bank, your account number and/or the bank’s routing number).
- All you have to do after that is follow the remainder of the instructions and your payment will be made.
you will find that the American Express online services are second to none . American Express prides itself on customer service every step of the way. In the event that you are not able to service your account online using their contact phone numbers, you can call them and resolve your problems very quickly and efficiently. After doing so we think you will agree that choosing American Express as a card provider was a good decision.