Making a Couture credit card payment online has never been easier. This particular card is amazing in that it allows a number of benefits to include rewards points, which equate to 250 points for every $15 spent. Compared to other similar cards, the rewards system is considered one of the best. However, when using the Couture credit card, you also enjoy free shipping!
Although the rewards and shipping benefits make this a must-have card, most consumers agree that being able to make a Couture credit card payment online 365 days a year is what makes the card so unique. Because of this, you can make your payment while on the road for business, during the holiday when banks and other card companies are closed, or anytime you want.
Make A Couture Credit Card Payment Online
Now, to make a Couture credit card payment online, you have one of two options, which include the following:
• Immediate Payment – The first option means when the payment has been processed, it is reflected on the same date. You can use the “pay today” option when making a Couture credit card payment online whether on the due date and head of time. The only downside is that there is a fee involved however, by paying early or on the actual due day, you can save money on interest and never experience a late fee.
• Scheduled Payment – The other option when making a Couture credit card payment online involves scheduling a set date on which the payment would go through. The benefit is that you can set the date for whatever you want and there is no cost associated with this option. The one thing to remember is that the payment date scheduled needs to coordinate when you are paid, otherwise, the payment would not go through, putting you at risk for being charged interest on an outstanding balance and late fee.
Regardless which option you prefer for making a Couture credit card payment online, keep in mind that a checking account is required. If you have never used the online service for this card before, the first thing would be to register on the website. Then, you would need to provide checking account information to include the name of the bank, account number, and routing number. You will find a form online where all the information goes.
Then, when you are ready to make a Couture credit card payment online, you simply go through the easy-to-follow steps provided. Typically, it takes two, sometimes three days for the payment to hit your checking account but once the money has been debited, the payment is considered made. Keep in mind that when you get your credit card statement, the date of the payment will actually show as the date you processed it on the internet, not the date it was deducted from the checking account.
If you were to make a Couture credit card payment online but for some reason need to cancel it, you would need to call the customer service department for assistance. Representatives are available through the company website or via toll-free number Monday through Saturday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. You cannot make a Couture credit card payment online on Sundays or any major holiday.