A Sears credit card is a terrific card to have. It can provide you with extra savings and a shopping experience like no other. If you have a Sears card, whether it be a Sears Canada credit card or a card for American citizens then you are not alone. In fact there is at least one Sears credit card in over 60 million households. The Sears Company is the largest supplier of credit card services for all of the retail stores around.
The fastest way to pay your bill once you start using your Sears card is to use the Sears Canada credit card payment online system. Sears Canada allows its customers up to a limit of four online payments over the course of a month for no charge. The online account to which you would be using is managed by Citigroup. What this means for you is that you will have to register an account at Citibank before you can begin to use the Sears online service.
Make a Sears Canada Credit Card Payment Online
The registration process for the payment online account involves creating a user ID in order to access your account.
- If you are a new and first time user then begin by going to the Citibank website.
- From there you should click on the icon to register.
- You then will need to type in the pertinent information which includes your Sears account number, your social security number, your three-digit security code, your e-mail address and all of your other details of correspondence.
- Then click continue to go onto the next step for the Sears Canada credit card payment online system.
- In order to make your payments through the online venue you must manually enter your banking details in the boxes provided.
- The relevant information includes your checking account number as well as the routing number for your bank.
- If you take a look at the bottom section of your checks then this information should be found there. You also need to include the name of your bank at the website.
- After all of this has been done it is time to create for yourself a unique username and password to make it possible for you to login to the system.
- To do this you will need to choose and answer some security questions. You can then click finish and the process has been done.
You can then activate your Sears Canada credit card payment online. From that point on all of your bill payments can be made from the comfort and convenience of your home or work computer.
Sears Choice Rewards Program
Earn points on eligible purchases which can be redeemed for Sears & Kmart gift cards, restaurant gift cards, the latest in electronics, home accessories, travel and more.
Manage with Account Care
When you enroll in the optional Account Care program, you can rest easy knowing that your Sears account minimum monthly payment due, up to $500, will be cancelled if you experience any of the following:
- Job Loss
- Disability
- Leave of Absence
- Hospitalization