A Laurentian Canada credit card is always a good credit card to have around. If you decide to apply for a Laurentian card and you are approved then when your card arrives it will be a good day for you!
Once you have your credit card and start using it you will be pleased about the ease of convenience associated with the Laurentian Canada credit card payment online system. The system used by Laurentian is the LBC Direct Internet Banking Service. This is the electronic side of the services offered by the Laurentian Bank. Not only can you pay your Laurentian Canada bill this way but also your other bills that come on a monthly basis and those that come less often. Examples of these include utility bills, insurance payments and government bills.
Laurentian Canada Credit Card Benefits
There are benefits to using the LBC Direct Internet Banking Services.
- For example, you can verify your account balance, as well as both view and verify your credit card.
- There are inter-account transfers as well as cash advances available on your credit card.
- The Laurentian Canada credit card payment online system allows for the issuing of checks, as well as 24/7 access to the account.
- The account is accessible no matter where you are. If you require a history of your transactions then that is something that can be done.
- You are able to use the LBC Direct Banking Service without being charged a fee on a monthly basis.
- On the other hand every bill that gets paid through the service will cost you a 50 cent fee.
If you are thinking about applying to use the Laurentian Bank Canada’s LBC Direct banking service then there are certain prerequisites for you to consider. It goes without saying that you must presently be a Laurentian Bank customer. What that means is that you either must have a bank account through Laurentian or else you must have a Laurentian Bank Business VISA card. If you have taken out a loan with the Laurentian Bank or if you currently have an investment product through the bank then you are eligible. You also must accept the user agreement in order to use the Laurentian Canada credit card payment online service.
When you first subscribe to the LBC Direct program the bank will give you a temporary access number as well as a password. The password must be changed the first time you use the online service. The more you use the online system the more pleased you will be with it!