If you have an Advanta credit card and you have been told by others how simple and convenient it is time to try to pay your Advanta business card bill online for yourself. In order to make your credit card payment online you require a checking account or a savings account. You can schedule your payments to be made on a certain date every month or else you can input your payment on whatever date you choose. The online service is operated on a 24/7 basis which means that it is never closed!
It is important to mention here that Advanta credit cards are no longer being produced. They were discontinued as of May 30, 2009. It is important nonetheless to mention what the features of the Advanta card were as well as how significant the Advanta credit card payment online system was to card holders.
The largest group of Advanta card holders was small businesses. Small businesses were rewarded for their investment in the form of business supplies. The Advanta card was extremely beneficial for small corporate houses because it offered low minimum payments as well as a very competitive interest rate. This made the Advanta card a tremendous asset.
The minimum payment for the Advanta card was very simple to calculate. The company stipulated that the minimum balance was $10 or it was 2.25 percent of whatever the outstanding balance was. The minimum payment would be whichever one is greater. The minimum payment also took into consideration how much money was owing from the past. Based on the owing balance, there was an extra one percent charged to the new balance.
The Advanta credit card payment online facility made it possible for card holders to pay their credit card bill over the Internet. The facility was secure and offered ease of convenience. The online management system offered Advanta users other options to make their life simpler as well. For example, there was access to your monthly statements and your statement could be mailed to you via email (think paperless!). You could also view your account summary online. The account summary would show you what your present balance was as well as when your next payment was due and how much available credit you had. The account summary also showed how much you paid the last time your payment was due and also the date on which you made the payment.
The Advanta credit card payment online facility also offered an account information management. It also offered the ability to schedule payments and to cancel them if need be. There was also a rewards points exchange on online catalogs.