If you live in Scotland, and you are looking for a great credit card, you might consider looking at cards offered through the Bank of Scotland, also referred to as BoS. While several possibilities, two credit cards that seem to be the most popular include the All-in-One and Plus cards.
For both of these, you would enjoy a 0% Annual Percentage Rate or APR for the first 13 months when transferring balances although you would pay a 3% fee, 0% interest on purchases made during the first three to nine months, and an average of 15% APR after the introductory period.
Now, to be offered all of the benefits for Annual Percentage Rate, you would need to meet certain standards. For instance, you would need to pay the Bank of Scotland credit card online, in person, or via mail no later than the due date, and you would never be able to go over the set credit limit. Other than that, you would be able to benefit from all the different benefits that come from these two cards.
However, the one benefit that most people appreciate most is being able to make the Bank of Scotland credit card payment online, in person, or through mail, whichever words best for you. To do this, the Bank of Scotland or BoS uses a special banking facility. This payment center is completely safe and the process is quick and easy. After you register so you can make a Bank of Scotland credit card payment online, you will have the opportunity to do a number of things.
For one thing, being registered would make it possible for you to look at the current account balance whenever you want. Then, once you register, you can receive your account statements via the internet for a full two years without spending a dime. This payment facility also makes it possible to look at recent transactions on the card, which would help you see if something were charged on the card that was not authorized.
Along with making a Bank of Scotland credit card payment online, after registering, you would also be able to make money transfers between your bank checking and savings accounts, as well as other outside financial institutions. Then, not only would you have the ability to make the Bank of Scotland credit card payment online but through this payment facility, you could pay a number of other bills.
How to Pay your BoS (Bank Of Scotland) Credit Card Payment Online
- To get started, you need to go to the Bank of Scotland’s website and complete the registration process.
- However, before sitting down to do this, make sure you have your BoS account number, as well as the roll number or sort code, the credit card number for the card you will be making online payments for, and the PRN and PIN.
- Simply visit the website, go to the “Internet Banking” button to log on, and click on the “Sign In” button.
- From there, it would give you the opportunity to log on using an existing user name and password or to register so you can make a Bank of Scotland credit card payment online going forward.
- This process will ask for specific information that only you would know and usually, security questions are asked that you would provide answers to so each time you log on, you would use the user name, password, and answers you previously provided.
Additional BoS (Bank Of Scotland) Credit Cardnal BoS (Bank Of Scotland) Credit Card Benefits
- Cover against online fraud when purchasing on the Internet
- Card replacement if lost
- No interest will be charged on purchases if every statement balance is paid in full by the payment dat
- No annual fees
- Manage your card online
- Around the clock service
- Accepted wherever you see the MasterCard sign in over 24 million locations worldwide