Today, some people still mail in a credit card payment and some will go to the issuing card company or bank to make the payment in person. However, because of the internet, most people now use this for making payments, looking at account balances, watching transactions, and more. As you can imagine, the process of an Alliance Bank Malaysia credit card payment online saves a significant amount of time and effort, which frees you up to handle other things.
While the steps involved for an Alliance Bank Malaysia credit card payment online are much the same but some differences do exist. To make sure the process is easy and the money goes through correctly, it is important to understand the appropriate steps to take. For instance, Alliance Bank in Malaysia uses a payment facility so in addition to making payments on the credit card, you can also pay for your mortgage, car, utility bills, shopping bills, and more.
The benefits of being able to make an Alliance Bank Malaysia credit card payment online include having full control over all banking transactions from the privacy and comfort of your home and being able to gain access to your account information virtually from any place in the world and any time day or night. All you need is a computer and internet access and with this, you can handle your credit card with complete security.
How To Make Alliance Bank Malaysia Credit Card Payment Online
Now, if you want to be able to make credit card payments via the internet, you would first need to register. First, if you go to an ATM associated with Alliance Bank of Malaysia, you will be given a T-PIN or temporary personal identification number. Then when you log onto the bank’s website , you would use that T-PIN to start the registration process. During this phase, you would switch out the T-PIN for a regular PIN of your choosing.
- On the left side of the home page is an icon that says, “First Time Login”.
- Click on that and enter the T-PIN, followed by clicking on the “Enter” button.
- Immediately, you will be prompted to create a user name and password.
- You will also be asked to enter your mother’s maiden name, which is used by the bank for security purposes.
- Next, you will be taken to another location within the website to use your new user name and password to gain access.
- Once you get inside the bill payment facility, you want to click on the “Bill Payment” icon on the left side of the page.
- Remember, prior to having the ability of paying an Alliance Bank Malaysia credit card payment online, you have to complete the registration process.
- For this, click on “Bill Registration” and “Payee Corporation”. You would then click on the Payee Corporation, provide all the details for the credit card statement as asked for, and click on “Confirm”.
- When you finish that step for making an Alliance Bank Malaysia credit card payment online, the payment request will again need to be verified by clicking on “Confirm”.
- Then, you will need to put your password in and again, click on “Confirm”.
While this process might seem like overkill, Alliance Bank takes the security of online transactions very seriously so in addition to using the latest security software, they have created a second tier that has to be passed.
Remember, the registration process for making online payments only has to be done once. From that time forward, you would simply log on using your user name and password, go to the bill payment section, choose the Payee Corporation, the date for the payment to go through, and the amount. Once you hit the “Confirm” button on future payments, everything is processed in real time.