The Commonwealth credit card is a beneficial card to have around. Those who hold Commonwealth credit cards must meet monthly requirements in terms of payment on or before the due date listed on the their statements. Customers must pay the minimum balance which is two percent of their outstanding balance or $25 (whichever is higher). Using the Commonwealth credit card payment online service guarantees that your credit card gets paid every month and it helps to ensure that you do not have to worry about your account being closed or you do not have to pay any late fees.
If you decide that using the online system is in your best interests then you have made a decision that will save you plenty of time and effort! The online facility used by the Commonwealth Company is the “Autopay” service. When you use this service you nominate a bank account and from there set up monthly direct debits.
Make a Commonwealth Credit Card Payment Online
When you are ready to set up the “Autopay” service you first must go to the Commonwealth credit card payment online website.
- Find the “Personal” section and from there choose “Credit Cards.”
- The next thing to do is to look to the right portion of your computer screen and locate the section labeled “About your credit card.”
- From here click on “Manage your credit card.” Now choose the link that reads “Autopay.”
- It can be found under the “Get the most out of your card” section.
- When the new window opens up you can download the direct debit request form.
- It is necessary for you to provide certain information on the direct debit form.
- Section one necessitates your Commonwealth credit card account information.
- This means your name (as the principal cardholder) and your credit card number.
In section two you must provide more in-depth details about the account you plan to make your payments from. You need to include on the form your bank name, your account number and the BSB. Section three of the Commonwealth credit card payment online form requires that you provide the details of how you wish to make your payments.
To put it another way, here is where you stipulate that you wish to pay the total balance owing, a fixed amount of your choosing or the minimum required on a monthly basis. Finally, section four is where you sign the form, date it and provide a contact number where you can be reached. The address for where you should send the form should be found on the bottom of it. It must be posted to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.