The Argos Credit Card has much to offer those who are interested in applying for it. It offers money back on every purchase made when you use your credit card. When you shop at any of the Argos store you receive two percent money back on the items you buy. Everywhere else you use your card makes it possible to get one percent back on the total amount you have spent. But the benefits of an Argos Credit Card do not end there.
Making an Argos Credit Card Online Bill Payment
The Argos Credit Card online bill payment system offers a safe and secure manner in which to pay your credit card bill. It is fast, efficient and very basic to use! If you are a busy person with a schedule that gives you little time to go to the bank, visit an Argos store or send a cheque through the mail then the electronic payment system may be exactly what you need.
Balance Transfers on an Argos Credit Card
When you transfer a balance from another credit card to your Argos credit card, which is a Mastercard, you pay zero interest for the first nine months from the time the balance transfer was complete. You also pay no interest on purchases you make at any of the Argos store for the first six months from the time a card is issued to you. Every other establishment where your card is used you pay zero interest for the first three months. There is no annual fee on an Argos Mastercard. After the introductory offer period comes to a close you will pay a variable annual percentage rate (APR) of 18.9 percent.
Not only can you use the Argos Credit Card payment online service to pay your bill but you also have the option of applying for the card online. If you are approved you should be informed in a short span of time. However in some cases a delay may take place if extra checks on your credit need to be conducted.
Apply for a Argos Credit Card
If you wish to apply for an Argos Mastercard you must be 18 years of age or older. You also must be a permanent resident of the United Kingdom and have a consistent source of income. If you are a student then you will not be approved for the Argos Mastercard. Wait until you finish school and find a full time job with a guaranteed income before you apply for this credit card. You also must have a good credit rating in order to be approved for an Argos Credit Card.
You can apply for an Argos Mastercard through the website or at your local Argos store. You can also apply through the telephone. Call 0845 640 0701. Once you have your card in hand you can then register to pay your bill at the Argos Mastercard payment online facility.