If you have a Bank of America credit card then you will be pleased to know that if you go to the website you will find a secure, convenient and speedy method of paying your credit card bill. More and more cardholders are coming to appreciate the ease with which they can use the B0A online credit card payment system.
At the Bank of America website you can pay your bill without any security concerns and without worries over late payments or missed payments. In most cases when you make a payment through the online banking site if the payment is made before 3:30pm Eastern Time then it will be credited to your account on that work day. Payments made later in the day will be credited to your account the following business day.
Step-by-Step BoA Online Credit Card Payment
If you have not registered at the Bank of America online site yet then make sure you enroll a week to several days before your next payment is due. This is necessary because the bank may need to confirm information about your bank account before you can start to use the service.
To begin go to the Bank of America website . Once there look for the Online Banking header found in the upper left of the computer screen. Here you will need to click on “Enroll” and follow the prompts in order to set up your online banking account.
To set up an account there is certain personal information that you must provide. You will require your credit card number, the security code on the back of your credit card, your social security number, the zip code for the credit card billing address, your e-mail address and finally, your mother’s maiden name for security purposes.
Once you have done all of this you can then go through the regular process of signing into your account at the Bank of America credit card payment online system. To pay your credit card bill click on the “Bill Pay& e-Bills” area and then look for the subheader that reads “Payment Accounts.” From there find the “Add Payment account” and click it.
You will be required to add your bank account number and your bank’s routing number before you can pay your bill. Follow the visual cues in order to know what to do. You also need to add in the name of your bank. Aside from making your Bank of America credit card payment online, quickly, easily and securely, you will have access to many benefits that Bank of America customers enjoy.
Additional benefits for Bank of America credit card customers
- Pay your credit card bill online.
- View account activity—with up-to-the-minute credit card account information.
- Receive email alerts for notification that your credit card payment is due, a payment has posted, and more.
- Review credit card statements for up to 12 months.
- Request paperless statements securely online, and you’ll enjoy easy organization of your account statements, reduce the possibility of mail fraud or identity theft, and help the environment.
- Use the ShopSafe® service to set up a temporary account number for shopping online safely without exposing your real credit card number.
- Access other self-service features such as:
- Request a credit line increase
- Transfer a balance
- Request a PIN
- Add an authorized user
- Change your Passcode and contact information, and more.
It may take a few days for your bank account to be confirmed. Once it is then you can begin paying your Bank of America credit card online every time you need to. The convenience to this system is tremendous and we think you will agree.